Featured Products
Harness - Heavy Hook
New Stock Arriving Soon, Please Enquire.
Gift Voucher
Harness - Waist - Tuna Fish
Harness - Waist - GA - Pro G5
Tabou 3S Plus
From: $3,595.00 From: $1,995.00
Rewired 3:2 Chest Zip
From: $529.99 From: $425.00
Extension Noerstick Python Carbon RDM 0-35cm
Was: $507.00 Now: $299.00
Footstrap - Tabou
Was: $52.00 Now: $30.00
Element 3:2 Shorti
From: $137.99 From: $120.00
Gul Booties 3mm Viper split toe
From: $79.00 From: $49.00
Helmet - Tuna Alberti Watersport Design
From: $225.00 From: $99.00
Extension Noerstick Anaconda SDM 0-50cm
Was: $507.00 Now: $299.00
Welcome to the Gaastra and Tabou NZ Ltd website. Take your time to browse through our site, enquire or order directly from us.
Please note that we often have demo stock available, the turnaround is sometimes 3 times per year - so please inquire about any ex-demo gear that is for sale too as it may not be listed on here yet.